Sunrise To Sunset grade

Jayster is a musician, arranger and chiptune artist from Denver, Colorado. This track was originally created for Battle Of The Bits - Summer Chip IV. (Charted by Gloomhonk for TootTally Community Championship) [TTCC 2024 - Week 4]

ID 5682
Difficulty 7.77724
Tap Rating 7.43140
Aim Rating 8.05856
Play Count 78
Max Score 25280230
Score Required for S 15526480
Artist Jayster
Length 00:04:20
Genre Chiptune
BPM 225
Charter Gloomhonk
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    Rating Team Comments
    Time Author Message Is Rated? Is NSFW?
    May 10, 2024, 10:07 p.m. emmett ttcc grade