Spin Eternally

Health and safety warning: This is a Camellia song. Originally charted by Lotl, v2 revision by StaticR.

ID 5321
Difficulty 9.52429
Tap Rating 8.53820
Aim Rating 10.32508
Play Count 171
Max Score 26297030
Score Required for S 16173750
Artist Camellia
Length 00:03:46
Genre 200step
BPM 222
Charter StaticR
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    Rating Team Comments
    Time Author Message Is Rated? Is NSFW?
    March 20, 2024, 1:04 a.m. Electrostats Chart is all over the place, switches between what its mapping all the time, some slides are still bad even on 1.20 False False
    Dec. 15, 2023, 11:23 p.m. silver hot start warnings are irrelevant True False