She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain verified grade
This famous song became popularized among railroad workers in the late 19th century, but has much older roots as a spiritual.
ID | 5136 |
Difficulty | 3.43254 |
Tap Rating | 3.28930 |
Aim Rating | 3.53850 |
Play Count | 677 |
Max Score | 9371800 |
Score Required for S | 5803060 |
Artist | Unknown |
Length | 00:01:54 |
Genre | Folk |
BPM | 145 |
Charter | Holy Wow |
Rank | Player | Score | Percentage | Grade | Perfect | Nice | Okay | Meh | Nasty | Max Combo | TT Rating | Game Speed | Modifiers | Game Version | Played On |
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