Banjo-Tooie: Jinjo Village grade

Chart update #6 - This is a description of the track "Banjo-Tooie: Jinjo Village".

ID 5047
Difficulty 4.76263
Tap Rating 4.91553
Aim Rating 4.60279
Play Count 71
Max Score 12366770
Score Required for S 7635090
Artist Grant Kirkhope
Length 00:02:32
Genre Village Music
BPM 105
Charter silver
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    Rating Team Comments
    Time Author Message Is Rated? Is NSFW?
    April 9, 2024, 12:05 a.m. Electrostats "I think this one is fine"-TheMostNonBiasedCharter2024 True False
    April 9, 2024, 12:05 a.m. Electrostats "I think this one is fine"-TheMostNonBiasedCharter2024 True False