Cbat (SFW Background) grade explicit

This song has been marked as explicit. This chart is not suitable for all audiences. Player discretion is advised.

From the album 'Satin Panthers'. (Charted by Gloomhonk)

ID 4960
Difficulty 2.41284
Tap Rating 2.92084
Aim Rating 1.84725
Play Count 295
Max Score 11371360
Score Required for S 7149240
Artist Hudson Mohawke
Length 00:02:51
Genre Electronic
BPM 162
Charter Gloomhonk
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Rank Player Score Percentage Grade Perfect Nice Okay Meh Nasty Max Combo TT Rating Game Speed Modifiers Game Version Played On

    Rating Team Comments
    Time Author Message Is Rated? Is NSFW?
    Sept. 17, 2023, 7:52 p.m. silver Alternate SFW version provided grade explicit
    Sept. 16, 2023, 10:27 p.m. silver NSFW - awaiting alternate version explicit
    June 4, 2023, 8:57 a.m. lumpytf No issues with the chart, nsfw tag because of the bg reddit story. grade explicit