Aaj grade

"Aaj is a song about the moment in time when you realise you have the strength to do what you have to do to become who you want to become. We all have our demons, our reasons to be stuck in a rut of harmful patterns and our fears of trying something new. This track is meant to act as a spark to light a fire within the listener to overcome all of that, it's about the fearless pursuit of the next level for as long as your heart continues to beat." (Chart by StaticR / v1.1)

ID 4819
Difficulty 5.63755
Tap Rating 6.03234
Aim Rating 5.24403
Play Count 170
Max Score 27004680
Score Required for S 16593610
Artist Bloodywood
Length 00:04:54
Genre Nu Metal
BPM 180
Charter StaticR
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