
3 of the songs from the 2023 album in a single chart. Some Prog from Avenged, nice.

ID 3760
Difficulty 6.01074
Tap Rating 6.00902
Aim Rating 5.99331
Play Count 25
Max Score 36459732
Score Required for S 22368380
Artist Avenged Sevenfold
Length 00:09:49
Genre Prog
BPM 283.00781
Charter Shorty132471
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    Rating Team Comments
    Time Author Message Is Rated? Is NSFW?
    Aug. 12, 2023, 5:28 p.m. Electrostats Out of bound notes at index 602, 610 and 1012
    June 3, 2023, 6:22 p.m. lumpytf Well charted, no issues found upon playing. grade